Our Services
We are delighted to be able to present frequent workshops to advance knowledge of healing. Please check back later for a schedule.
Retreat Weekends
A schedule of retreat weekends shall be posted in the near future. In the meantime, please
inquire directly.
Works on the subconscious mind to change old habits and beliefs that prevent progress in our lives.
Crystal Healing
Crystals are pure solarised sunlight, which take millions of years to form. Each has its own resonance, or vibration. Today we are learning to use crystals (precious or semi precious stones) as a preventative and curative form of treatment, which generates healing vibrations acting on the body's energy field. Crystals can be used to channel healing energies through the healer to the patient or be placed on specific parts of the body that need treatment.
Colour Therapy
This therapy can go hand-in-hand with crystal healing as all colours have their own vibration. There are many aspects of colour therapy from looking at the colours we use in our homes, our clothes, and even the foods we eat. As far back as Egyptian times, coloured light was used as a method healing. Hippocrates actually used ointments and different coloured plasters on wounds.
Bowen Technique
Bowen Technique consists of a series of gentle moves with gentle but frequent pauses, which allows the body time to assimilate each move and begin the healing process. The technique is extremely effective for overcoming sports injuries, accidents and other ailments. Can also improve joint mobility and clear the body of debris.
A therapy based on the concept that regions of the feet and hands correspond to other areas of the body. Reflexology concentrates on applying pressure to the hands and feet as a means of affecting vital and troubled organs.
A technique for channelling Universal Energy rediscovered and developed by Dr. Mikao Usui. Dr. Usui was a Christian priest serving during the end of the 19th century at the small university in Kyoto, Japan.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
This is where Universal energy is channelled through the healer to the patient, working on all levels: Physical - easing aches and pains and helping the body to fight disease and infections; Mental - helping to clear the mind and improve memory; Emotional - relieving stress and tensions and often releasing long held negative feelings; Spiritual - assisting the person to get in touch with his/her REAL Self. The healing works alongside modern medicine so there is no conflict. It is not invasive and can do no harm.
Inspirational Painting
A means by which artistic expression can lead to greater understanding of one's self and a healing relaxation.
Spiritual Healing
This is the oldest form of healing where Universal Energy is channeled through the healer to the patient. It is non-invasive and is mainly a hands-on treatment, although it can be carried out without the healer actually touching the patient except to place the hands on the shoulders to make a connection. Healing can also be sent over any distance, this works best if the recipient is aware and a time is arranged beforehand, but it isn't essential. Healing can be given in conjunction with modern medicine as we would never advocate that anyone give up their conventional treatment.
Indian Head Massage
Indian Head Massage is an ancient holistic therapy which involves massage of the head, neck, shoulders and upper arms, using oils such as jasmine, almond or coconut etc, depending on the individual requirements. It improves circulation to the scalp and improves blood supply to the brain, helping to promote clear thinking. The massage releases tensions in muscles and stimulates drainage of the lymphatic system. It also induces a feeling of relaxation and wellbeing, reduces aches and pains and clears sinuses.
Theta D.N.A. Healing
A combination of counselling and healing that works on the core beliefs and changing negative to positive for deep lasting healing.
To find schedules and rates for all of these services, please
contact us.