The Lantern - A Healing Therapy Centre

Who We Are

Carole Harrison

Although I had been told for many years that I had the gift of healing, I only began to practice eleven years ago due to other commitments in my life. I qualified with the National Federation of Spiritual Healers and worked as a volunteer at one of their centres for five years, giving healing once a week and gaining experience.

Since then I have trained as a Colour Therapist and a Crystal Healer. I have done Reiki I and II, counseling to Level II, and am also qualified in Indian Head Massage.

The Lantern is my healing centre in Morecambe where other therapists can work, workshops can be run, and people can come to learn about working with energies or perhaps simply call in for a coffee and a chat.

Joyce Smith

Simon Bate BSc (Hons)
Other Therapists
We also have contact with: and others who can offer help.


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